Annual General Meeting (AGM23) of the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST), as well as the meeting of the IMarEST Council were held in London (UK) from 30th to 31st March, 2023. Discussions on the Institute’s Departments functioning as well as the involvement of young scientists into the ranks of this Institution were the main objectives of these meetings.

The Odessa Branch of the IMarEST was represented online by Sergey Karianskyi, PhD., Associate Professor, Honorary Secretary of Odessa Branch of IMarEST.

During the IMarEST Council Meeting Mr. Martin Shaw was elected as the next 120th President of the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology and also the new IMarEST Council of the Institute was elected for the next three-year term. Sergey Karianskyi, Honorary Secretary of Odessa Branch of IMarEST was elected as a member of the IMarEST Council for the 2nd three years term starting from AGM23.The future dates for the meetings were also discussed.

Moreover, the issues of further cooperation between Odessa Branch and IMarEST, UK (changes in the process of admission into the Institute’s membership, membership fees, use of electronic library, new opportunities for cooperation between NU«OMA» and IMarEST) were discussed during the meeting with the IMarEST representatives.

According to proposal of the IMarEST Odessa Branch (Honorary Secretary Sergey Karianskyi) together with the current IMarEST President Alastair Fischbacher and incoming IMarEST President Martin Shaw the IMarEST Board of Trustees Awarded the National University «Odessa Maritime Academy» special “Outstanding Contribution Award 2022” for its excellence and commitment to marine education and in special recognition of its resilience and determination to continue its mission in the face of extreme adversity.

About the award

The Outstanding Contribution Award, sponsored by P&S Automation, recognises the achievement of engineers, scientists and technologists in improving marine safety, sustainability, education or international development. Such recognition serves to raise awareness and promote further improvements. The award is generally presented to an individual, company or organisation which has made a significant contribution to promoting further improvements. Such contributions can have been made either by a specific activity or over a period of time.
