On 4 October, 2019 the 21st Annual General Meeting of Odessa Branch in Ukraine was held at the Assembly Hall of National University «Odessa Maritime Academt». That event was dedicated to the 75th Anniversary of the classes commencement  in National University «Odessa Maritime Academy»

 During the reported year the following points were discussed at the Branch Committee Meetings:

  • Joining the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology.

  • Information about the IMarEST events and meetings.

  • Information about membership fees payment by the members of the IMarEST Odessa Branch.

  • Information about Grants from the IMarEST.

  • Work of young marine professionals, English Club and Library.

  • Topics, programmes and venues of scientific conferences and seminars.

  • Cadets and members: candidates for the IMarEST prizes.

Members of the IMarEST Odessa Branch took part in conduction and organization of conferences and events devoted to the scientific work of the Engineering Faculties at the National University «Odessa Maritime Academy» and other institutions.

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