From 9 to 11 October 2019 in Varna (Bulgaria), the Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy organized an International scientific conference for cadets from marine higher educational institutions with the topic “My future profession in 2040: problems of higher education”.
About 30 cadets from 5 countries: Bulgaria, Poland, Romania, Georgia and Ukraine participated in the conference.
National University “Odessa Maritime Academy” was represented by the 5th course cadet Karolina Dudnichenko (Faculty of Maritime Law and Management) with a paper “Marine lawyers in 2040: who are they?”, who got an awarded place and the 6th course cadet Oleksandr Podkopaiev (Faculty of Marine Transportation and Technologies) with a paper “Cadet’s work at sea: past, present and future”.
The purpose of the conference is to exchange knowledge, experience, identify common problems and analyze the shortcomings of higher education on the part of cadets and vision of their profession in the future.
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