On June 15, 2021 the representatives of National University “Odessa Maritime Academy” visited the graduates of navigation and marine engineering departments of Maritime College named after O.I. Marinesko to provide information on enrollment requirements and opportunities for obtaining higher education at NU «OMA». The event was also carried out by the following representatives: O.I. Saburov, Head of Maritime College named after O.I. Marinesko, I.I. Vorokhobin, Director of Educational and Scientific Institute of Maritime Transportation and Technologies of NU “OMA”, M.O. Kolegaev, Director of Educational and Scientific Institute of Marine Engineering of NU ”OMA”, Petrichenko O.O., Deputy Secretary of Admission Board of NU ”OMA”.
We hope that this meeting was fruitful and very soon we will meet the cadets of Maritime College named after O.I. Marinesko within the walls of National University «Odessa Maritime Academy».