Electrical Engineering and Radio Electronics Faculty of NU «ОМА» held the 7th Annual Scientific-methodical Conference “Actual problems of Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Radio Electronics” from 11 until 12 December, 2017.

This year, several main thematic areas of the conference were selected, namely: ship electrical equipment, electronic equipment and control systems; energy efficiency and reliability of electromechanical systems; electromagnetic compatibility and quality of electrical energy; radio engineering, radio electronic devices and communications; telecommunication technologies and information security.

At the plenary session, V.D. Savchuk, Head of Research Department, Ph.D., Professor reported on the scientific and technical activities of NU ”OMA” in 2017. V.V. Budashko, Dean of Electrical Engineering and Radio Electronics Faculty, Ph.D., Associate Professor made a presentation on the results of his doctoral work “Improving the efficiency of the functioning of ship power plants of combined propulsion complexes”. S.A. Mikhailov, Head of Maritime Electronics, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor reported on the concepts of information security of ship integrated information systems. V.M. Koshevoy, Head of Maritime Radiocommunication Chair, Professor presented the results of the work of the SubCommittee on Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue NCSR 4 and the prospective issues of NCSR 5. Proposals on development and improvement of training specialists in the specialty “Telecommunications and Radio Engineering” were discussed during the meeting. Besides, A. Guzhanskiy, a graduate of Electrical Engineering and Radio Electronics Faculty, an automation engineer of a passenger ship presented a report as well.

The active participation of cadets, post-graduate students and teachers of the Departments as well as specialists from other educational institutions resulted in more than 50 reports on topical issues including the modern ship electrical and radio engineering were presented at sectional meetings.

Summarizing the results of the conference, the best works of the Masters to participate in the second stage of the All-Ukrainian competition of scientific works will be held as well as a collection of scientific papers of the conference will be prepared for the publication.