The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education of Ukraine held All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference on “Training of Doctors of Philosophy in the Reform of Higher Education” on the basis of Zaporizhzhya National University (ZNU) from 5 till 6 October, 2017. About 400 delegates in the name of Deputy-Rectors on Scientific Work of higher educational institutions, Heads of Postgraduate and Doctoral Departments, Heads of Research Departments, Heads and Secretaries of Specialized Academic Councils, representatives from Councils of Young Scientists and other researchers and educational research workers participated in the conference.
Golikov V.A., Deputy–Rector on Scientific Work, Professor; Volkov O.M., Head of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies Department, Associate Professor; Kariansky S.A., Dean of Automation Faculty, Associate Professor, Head of the Council of Young Scientists on behalf of National University “Odessa Maritime Academy took part in the conference.
The conference aimed at discussing the problematic issues and prospects for introducing a new PhD training system in Ukraine at the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education as well as introduction of recommendations and suggestions aimed at improving the current regulatory and legal framework, organisational, methodological and institutional bases of postgraduate work, awarding of academic degrees and training and certification of highly qualified personnel.
The conference considered the following issues such as: the content of educational and scientific programmes and curricula for the training of Doctors of Philosophy; the use of European experience in the implementation of structured doctoral programmes under Ukrainian conditions; specificity of new branches, knowledge and specialties; academic virtue and plagiarism prevention in dissertational research; publications in various editions included in the international science-based databases; enhancing the level of Ukrainian professional publications; reforming the system of awarding scientific degrees and the activities of specialized academic councils; meaning and procedures of accreditation of educational and scientific programmes for the training of Doctors of Philosophy and specialized scientific councils.