On 20-21 November, 2020, National University «Odessa Maritime Academy» participated in XIІ International Specialized Online Exhibition “Education and Career – Virtual Fair”. Company “Exhibitions World” with the support and participation of the Ministry of  Education and Science of Ukraine and the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine organized the exhibition.

The purpose of the exhibition was to present domestic and foreign educational institutions, exchange programs for students and pupils, study the experience of cooperation with European countries in the field of education and youth employment, seminars, round tables on further development of the education system.

The International Educational Exhibition united the participants of the educational process in the search for effective ways to improve the quality of national education, the development of international educational projects. Applicants had the opportunity to get acquainted with the peculiarities of admission to educational institutions, choosing a future profession, Bachelor’s and Master’s programs, preparatory university courses and learn about the specifics of education in Ukraine and abroad.

National University “Odessa Maritime Academy”, based on the results of an expert assessment of the participants’ works presented at the competition, held by the Institute for the Modernization of the Content of Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, the Board of the Knowledge Society of Ukraine, the Directorate of the Center “Exhibitions, presentations” was marked for high performance by the corresponding award: Grand Prix in the nomination “Development of the material and technical base of the educational institution” and the honorary title “Leader of Higher Education of Ukraine.

The following representatives of NU “OMA” took part in the exhibition: M.V. Miyusov, Professor, the Rector of NU «OMA», O.M. Mazur, Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Head of Advertising and Public Relations Department as well as other employees of the department, O.Y. Kozachenko, Secretary of the Admission Board, Y.V. Fedoruk, cadet of Educational and Scientific Institute of Maritime Transportation and Technologies, D.M. Chervonyi, cadet of Educational and Scientific Institute of Automation and Electrical Engineering, D.V. Ungarov, graduate student of NU “OMA”.

The exhibition “Education and Career – Virtual Fair” provides an opportunity for all educational institutions to demonstrate their achievements, and visitors – to learn a lot of useful information and decide on a future profession. Meeting of professionals representing the leading universities, finding effective ways to improve the quality of education, exchange of experiences, innovative ideas, advanced pedagogical technologies will contribute to the successful reform of the national education system.