On April 30, 2021 the representatives of the Royal Canadian Navy made a friendly visit to the Naval Institute of NU “OMA” according to the plan of international cooperation between the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The meeting was held with the participation of the leadership of the Naval Institute and the representatives of the Ukrainian Navy Command and instructors of the Royal Canadian Navy.

The purpose of the visit to the military higher educational establishment was to maintain a military dialogue, familiarize the Canadian delegation with the training and material base, make an examination of the NT PRO 500 navigation simulators and Dangerous Waters navigation and tactical simulators as also familiarize with the educational process of the Naval Institute and discuss the priority areas of bilateral military cooperation.

Besides, during the visit, possible directions and further joint actions for the training of the Naval Institute’s servicemen with the participation of the training operation “Unifier” representatives were discussed.

The “Unifier” course is designed to improve professional knowledge and practical skills in studying and practicing elements of tactical maneuvering and conducting navigation calculations when performing tasks as part of multinational tactical groups according to NATO standards, conducting exercises with radio exchange, studying tactical maneuvering signals and transmission between ships, etc.