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Print    Project 609995-EPP-1-2019-1-PL-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP

“Qualifications Recognition Support

                                      for Ukrainian Universities

Project acronym: “QuaRSU”

Project start date: 15.11.2019

Project duration: 36 months

Project termination date: 14.11.2022 

Frankowicz Marek
Frankowicz MarekCoordinator and General Manager of the project
Prof. Dr. Vadym Zakharchenko
Prof. Dr. Vadym ZakharchenkoProject coordinator in Ukraine
Vice Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Affairs of NU “OMA”
Contacts: tel: +38 048 728 31 57; email: zvn@onma.edu.ua

Project goals and objectives:

Wider objective of the project is enhancing the role of higher education sector in society by supporting development of Ukrainian recognition system.

Specific project objectives:

  1. Design, development and testing of recognition methodology compatible with the National Qualifications Framework.
  2. Human resources development for recognition.
  3. Establishment of Recognition Support Platform.


  1. Analyses of existing standards and methodologies.
  2. Development of recognition methodology.
  3. Design and implementation of training system.
  4. Establishment of recognition centres at UA partner universities.
  5. Quality Management.
  6. Dissemination and exploitation.
  7. Project management.

Expected results:

  1. Recognition manual with policy recommendations.
  2. Quality Handbook for internal QA.
  3. Training centres in partner HEIs.
  4. Trained administrative and academic staff.
  5. Recognition centres and Recognition Support Platform.


Methodological support:

Equipment purchasing





On-line training on Academic Recognition. Part 2, 17.06.21

On-line training on Academic Recognition. Part 1, 10.06.21

On-line meeting of QUARSU project consortium, 17.05.21

Online meeting, 13.05.2021

Monitoring of the QUARSU project

On-line meeting, 1.12.20

On-line meeting, 4-5.11.20

On-line meeting, 16.10.20

On-line meeting, 02.10.20

On-line meeting, 18.09.20

On-line working meetings, 10-11.09.2020

First webinar within the QUARSU project

On-line meeting, 26.06.20

On-line meeting, 29.05.20

On-line meeting, 22.05.20